SAMS - Scottish Association for Marine Science
SAMS stands for Scottish Association for Marine Science
Here you will find, what does SAMS stand for in Research under Academic & Science category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Scottish Association for Marine Science? Scottish Association for Marine Science can be abbreviated as SAMS What does SAMS stand for? SAMS stands for Scottish Association for Marine Science. What does Scottish Association for Marine Science mean?Scottish Association for Marine Science is an expansion of SAMS
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Alternative definitions of SAMS
- South American Missionary Society
- School for Advanced Military Studies
- Standard Army Maintenance System
- Sales Activity Management System
- Systemic Advocacy Management System
- Service Agreement Management System
- Symbols And Message Strings
- Surface Automated Meteorological System
View 38 other definitions of SAMS on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SEASCC St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic Church
- SHS Seniors Helping Seniors
- SDC Sunrise Detox Center
- SMU Stuttgart Media University
- SBS Second Baptist School
- SSL Smart Shirts Limited
- SHP Sterling Health Plans
- SAM Summit Academy Management
- SCFS Spectrum Child and Family Services
- SGC Safari Group of Companies
- SSC The Silver Spoon Company
- SCFHP Santa Clara Family Health Plan
- SCCCI Second Cup Coffee Company Inc.
- SJAA St John Ambulance Australia
- SCSPL Straits Construction Singapore Pte Ltd
- SLG Social Lab Group
- SHI Stafford House International
- STHL Shun Tak Holdings Ltd
- SGA Shore Group Associates
- SLSMC The St. Lawrence Seaway Management Corporation